Dear Visitors!
If you have got some pictures about Bajevski or some pictures with Baja and you would like to see on the webpage, write the guestsbook and send to me the pictures.
Thanks: the editor
Milos Adamovic
Nana Akwasi Asare
Aleksandar Bajevski
Maxime Biset
Issame Charaï
Xavier Chen
Pieter Crabeels
Nicolas De Lange
Antun Dunkovic
Kevin Geudens
Kristof Goessens
Wouter Goris
Abdul-Yakuni Iddi
Jonas Ivens
Kevin Kempeneer
Jean-Paul Kielo Lezi
Pierre Mbemba
Jeroen Mellemans
Aloys Nong
Koen Persoons
Kenneth Van Goethem
Kenny Van Hoevelen
Wesley Vanbelle
Bjorn Vleminckx
Welcome to Bajevski's webpage!You can find all of the information in there!
Write to Baja and Write to me!CHAT:)